A guillotine cutter makes easy work out of quickly trimming

A guillotine cutter makes easy work out of quickly trimming a large amount of paper. If this is the type of office device you need, you should put some consideration into getting the Dahle 142. This is a trimmer that can process a lot of paper quickly and it can even handle large-format items. Here’s everything you need to know about this product so you can figure out if it’s what you’ve been looking for. The Dahle 142 has an impressive cutting capacity. It can cut up to 40 sheets of paper in one go, making it perfect for large jobs. However, if you need to cut more at once, you may want to consider a stack cutter which can process a lot more sheets in one go.This is a large-format guillotine cutter so you’ll be able to cut very big items with it. The Dahle 142 has a maximum cutting length of 42 inches. In addition to paper, you can use this device to cut thicker materials including mat board.The Dahle 142 has a really durable blade that is made out of Solingen steel, one of the best metals around. The blade is beveled so it will always produce a clean cut no matter what type of material you’re trimming. Also, the blade is self-sharpening, requiring no maintenance. (This feature also increases your safety because you won’t need to ever touch the blade.)Using this cutter is pretty safe because it’s equipped with adequate safety features. The blade can be locked into place so it won’t fly up unexpectedly. 1hp gasoline engine factory Also, there’s a metal fan-shaped guard that will keep your hands away from the blade.This cutter comes with a T-shape guide and a self-adjusting paper clamp so you can get an accurate cut every time. There are metal scale bars on the top and bottom of the base so you can line up your work properly but you cut.The Dahle 142’s base is made out of wood that’s been double-laminated. There’s a grid printed on it for reference.As you would expect, this cutter is extremely big so it’s not ideal for very small workspaces. This device measures 46.5” x 34” and it will take up a lot of room. It will also be difficult to move around because it weighs 150 pounds.Finally, the Dahle 142 is covered by a lifetime warranty so you can have peace of mind. Recommendation: The Dahle 142 is one of the best guillotine paper cutters available and it would be good for lots of different work environments. It has a great cutting capacity and it’s terrific that it’s large enough to trim very large items. (However, the large size make it difficult to use this device in a small work area.) You’ll also find that this trimmer is safe to use and that it’s very well-constructed, plus it comes with an excellent warranty. If the Dahle 142 sounds good to you, take a look at it soon.